
Prof. Mohan Munasinghe
to receive premier global award

Sri Lankan physicist, economist and Founder Chairman of Institute for Development (MIND) Prof. Mohan Munasinghe has been selected as a recipient for this year’s Blue Planet Prize, the top international award considered to be equivalent to an “Environmental Nobel Prize”

This year marks the 30th awarding of the Blue Planet Prize, sponsored by the Asahi Glass Foundation of Japan.the Board of Directors has selected two awardees for 2021: Prof. Mohan Munasinghe from Sri Lanka and Prof. V. Ramanathan from the USA, for having made significant contributions to the resolution of global environmental problems. Born in Sri Lanka, Professor Munasinghe pioneered innovative concepts like the integrative, transdisciplinary ‘Sustainomics’ framework, sustainable development triangle (environment, economy and society),‘ balanced inclusive green growth (BIGG)’ and ‘millennium consumption goals (MCGS)’.

As Vice-chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 — becoming the first Sri Lankan to do so. His ideas have contributed to several key global treaties on environment and sustainable development.

He is an old boy of Royal College, Colombo, and obtained his BA honours in Engineering, and MA from Cambridge University, UK. Prof. Munasinghe also holds the SM and Professional EE degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, a PHD degree in Solid State Physics from Mcgill University, Canada, an MA degree in Development Economics from Concordia University, Canada, and several honorary doctorates. Prof. Munasinghe is the author of over one hundred scholarly books, and about four hundred technical papers in well-known scientific journals, and fellow of several leading global academies of science.


Establishing PRME Chapter China

With the strong support of PRME Head Dr. Mette Morsing, PRME Board Member Prof. Haifeng Huang is organizing very efficiently the first PRME China Academic Committee with broad representatives of scholars in the field of business ethics, sustainable development, responsible management, corporate social responsibility from Chinese universities and research institutes. PRME Chapter China will be officially established on May 28 2021.


The calling for establishing PRME Chapter China received great support from many friends and colleagues. A high-energy team led by Prof. Haifeng Huang was established in half year ago with close collaboration and transparent communication. The core team includes Prof. Hualiang Lu from Changzhou University, Dr. Xuanwei Cao from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Prof. Yi Guo from Beijing Technology and Business University, Prof. Haiying Lin from Hainan University, and Dr. Huanan Wu from Peking University.

12 Members of both Chinese and international senior professors compose the Advisory Board, 43 Members of Chinese scholars from different regions across China compose the Academic Committee. Another significant characteristic of the PRME Chapter China is that there are seven young students from several different universities at different levels. Student representatives are important partners of and monitors in PRME Chapter China.

The Meeting received great support from Changzhou University and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University as well as supportive work from other universities and institutes including Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing EDUI International Environment Technologies Research Institute, Peking University, Tsinghua University, China Renmin University, Zhejiang University, Capital University of Economics and Business, and the subordinated institutes of Ecological Development Union International. Among the PRME China Academic Committee Members, there are senior professors of older generation, such as Prof. Xiangshu Zhang, over 90 years old as the most senior environment education expert in China, and Prof. Zhaochun Jiang, who is over 80 years old and still keeping on research at Research Centre for Ecological Environment of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Younger generation representatives from several universities’ student organizations in pushing sustainability in campus are also actively engaging in the Organizing Committee of the Meeting.

On 28-30 May, the first PRME China Academic Committee Meeting will be hosted at Changzhou University. The Meeting received great expectation and support from both Prof. Mette Morsing, Prof. Mohan MUNASINGHE, Prof. Danica Purg, Prof. Gerhard Stahl. Apart from the address from Mette, other high-ranked figures including Dr. Jinghui LIU, Chairwoman of China Association for International Education, Dr. Wang YAO, Secretary-General of Education Forum for Asia, Prof. Juncheng JIANG, President of Changzhou University, Dr. Gendong Shi, the Executive Director of UNESCO National Working Committee on Education for Sustainable Development in China, would also deliver speeches. The Meeting will discuss broadly related issues of responsible and sustainable business education in Chinese context. Working plan and objectives as well as governance of PRME Chapter China would also be discussed in this Meeting. After signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the PRME Secretariat and PRME China Academic Committee, it is expected that the establishment of PRME Chapter China will be announced on 28th May.

Education Forum for Asian has reached strategic partnership to collaborate with the 1st PRME China Academic Committee, to open a special session for the then established PRME Chapter China with the confirmed theme “Transforming Responsible Education for Youth” in the coming annual forum in this September. In view of the Chinese national strategy on reforming and strengthening ecological civilization, it is expected that the establishment of PRME Chapter China would drive a wave of integrating sustainability development into education sectors at different levels. Higher education institutes in China have large potential to join the PRME community in near future.

The establishment of PRME Chapter China is a historic milestone of the cause of global PRME community. We expect more active engagement of Chinese colleagues in our community and large-scale positive impacts on promoting the development of PRME in China. On behalf of PRME Secretariat, we wish PRME Chapter China a successful journey!

The 1st Meeting of PRME China Academic Committee

May 28-30, 2021, Changzhou & Suzhou

Invitation Letter

The educational reform of Chinese universities will be strongly influenced by two forces: the Ecological Civilization paradigm of the Chinese government; and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Universities should cultivate innovative and practical talents with professional skills, as well as have a mission to help prepare and inspire students to be responsible, innovative, and engaged managers and leaders who positively impact the community, both locally and globally. Management education in Chinese higher education institutes must think how to cultivate and educate reflective agents of change with strong social responsibility and transformative competencies for the SDGs, for the well-being of the world. PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) was founded in 2007 with a focus on promoting responsibility, ethics, and sustainable development in management education. Today, more than 800 higher education institutions around the world have signed on to the PRME initiative, but only 19 Chinese business schools have joined the initiative. To improve the leadership role of Chinese business schools in the world, we propose the 1st Meeting of a PRME Academic Committee in China, and establish the PRME Chapter China. This meeting would not be possible without the strong leadership and active promotion of Prof. Dr. Mette MORSING, Head of the United Nations Global Compact Initiative on Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME), and Prof. Dr. Haifeng HUANG, who was recently appointed as PRME Steering Committee Board Member. We also acknowledge the generous support of Changzhou University, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, and Beijing Technology and Business University, as well as the experts and scholars who join the committee and witness the establishment of the PRME Chapter China. We sincerely hope that through signing on to the PRME initiative and the establishment of the Chapter, Chinese universities will become better integrated into the global PRME community. This will position China to play a leading role relative to business schools around the world, and to actively pursue sustainable development and sustainable transformation of management education of China.

Friday, May 28, 2021

10:00-17:00               Check in (Shangri-La Hotel, Changzhou)

17:15-18:30               Welcome Dinner

18:30-19:30               Private Session of the 1st PRME China Academic Committee

(Announcement of establishing the PRME Chapter China,
issue Certificate of Membership to members of the Committee)


Prof. Dr. LU, Hualiang

Director of International Research Center for Sustainable Development, Changzhou University

Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Business Education of International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Convenor of PRME China Sustainability Management Education Roundtable Forum (since 2016)

Prof. Dr. GUO, Yi

School of International Economics and Management, Beijing Technology and Business University


19:45-20:40 Opening Ceremony

Co-Hosts: Prof. Dr. HUANG, Haifeng

Member of the PRME Steering Committee, member of the PRME Board Nominations and Governance Committee

Former Assistant Dean of HSBC Business School, Peking University

Prof. Dr. LU, Hualiang

Director of International Research Center for Sustainable Development, Changzhou University

Welcoming Address

Prof. Dr. JIANG, Juncheng

President of Changzhou University

Dr. YAO, Wang

Vice Chair of Western Returned Scholars Association

Secretary-General of Education Forum for Asia

Senior Consultant of Boao Forum for Asia

Dr. LIU, Jinghui

Chairwoman of China Association for International Education

Senior Researcher Taihe Institute

Former Secretary-General of China Scholarship Council

Prof. Dr. Mette MORSING (Online)

Head of Principles for Responsible Management Education, United Nations Global Compact

Dr. SHI, Gendong

Executive Director, UNESCO National Working Committee on Education for Sustainable Development in China

Prof. Dr. ZHANG, Xiangshu (written text, read by Prof. HUANG, Haifeng)

Honorary First Class Professor of Renmin University of China

Prof. Dr. WANG, Yonggui (Online)

Vice President of Capital University of Economics and Business

Member of Education Monitoring Committee of Ministry of Education

Discipline Evaluation Expert of the State Council

Prof. Dr. KONG, Ying (Online)

Research Institute of Enterprise Innovation and Growth, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School

Founding Dean of Beijing Normal University Bay Area International

Business School

20:40-21:00 Signing Ceremony of the MoU between Education Forum for Asia and Changzhou University


Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Business Education of International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Dr. BU, Maoliang

Associate Professor, School of Business, Nanjing University

Dr. CHEN, Lili

Associate Professor, Beijing Technology and Business University

Award Ceremony

            Representatives from Universities

Prof. Dr. HUANG, Haifeng

Ms. LIU, Xiuhua (Executive Secretary of Education Forum for Asia)

Prof. Dr. LU, Hualiang                   

Prof. Dr. GUO, Yi

                        Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

Participants of Leaders and special invited Committee Members

                        Prof. Dr. JIANG, Juncheng

                        Dr. LIU, Jinghui

Prof. Dr. SHI, Gendong

Prof. Dr. LI, Jianjun

Prof. Dr. QIAN, Xiaojun

Prof. Dr. ZHANG, Bohui

Dr. LIU, Zhiqing

Prof. Dr. ZHOU, Zucheng

Prof. Dr. JIANG, Qingyun

Prof. Dr. TIAN, Yan

Mr. YIN, Gefei

Dr. ZHAO, Yanhai

Signing Ceremony of the MoU

Ms. LIU, Xiuhua

Prof. Dr. HUANG, Haifeng

Prof. Dr. LU, Hualiang

Prof. Dr. LUO, Hongbo

Prof. Dr. GUO, Yi

Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

Participants of Leaders and special invited Committee Members

Prof. Dr. JIANG, Juncheng

Dr. YAO, Wang

Prof. Dr. JIANG, Zhaochun

Prof. Dr. HU, Tao

Mr. YU, Zhihong

Prof. Dr. JIA, Fu

Ms. LIU, Xiaoqin

Prof. Dr. MENG, Fanchen

Dr. ZHANG, Yang

Dr. LIU, Yipei

Mr. ZHANG, Yalong

Prof. Dr. WANG, Hongtao

Group Photo

21:00-22:00 Training and DiscussionPRME background, principles and application, THE Impact Ranking, Experience of Impact Ranking of University of International Business and Economics

Host: Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Business Education of International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

21:00-21:20 Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

Introduction of the background and application of PRME

21:20-21:45 Duncan ROSS (online)

Chief Data Officer of Times Higher Education

Ms. Joyce CHEE (online)

Director of Mainland China Unit, Times Higher Education


  • Applications for THE Impact Ranking: preconditions
  • How to improve the Impact of a University?

21:45-22:00 Dr. WANG, Fenmian

Department Director of International Business School, University of

International Business and Economics

Development and Experiences of Sustainability Education in University of

International Business and Economics

Saturday, May 29, 2021


Morning Session: Keynote Speech & Featured Speech

07:30-08:30 Breakfast Meeting

09:00-10:15 Session 1: The Significances and Experiences of Implementing PRME in Chinese Universities

Host: Prof. Dr. HUANG, Haifeng


09:00-09:15               Prof. Dr. HUANG, Haifeng

Member of the PRME Steering Committee, the PRME Board Nominations and Governance Committee, Initiated by United Nations Global Compact

Topic: The great significance of carrying out sustainable development and ecological civilization education in colleges and universities

09:15-09:30               Dr. SHI, Gendong

Executive Director, UNESCO National Working Committee on Education for Sustainable Development in China

Topic: Ecological civilization and sustainable development: New area of responsibility education

09:30-09:45               Dr. HU, Tao 

Dean of Lakestone Institute for Sustainable Development

Topic: Implementation methods and suggestions of college sustainable development education

09:45-10:00    Prof. Dr. ZHOU, Zucheng

Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Topic: Thoughts on deepening responsibility management education in China

10:00-10:15               Dr. BU, Maoliang

Associate Professor, School of Business, Nanjing University

Topic: Globalization, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development education


10:15-10:45               Tea Break and Group Photo


10:45-12:00 Session 2: Innovations and Suggestions for Implementing Education for Sustainable Development in Chinese Universities

Host: Prof. Dr. LI, Jianjun

10:45-11:00                Prof. Dr. LI, Jianjun

Dean of School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics

Topic: Sustainable development and green finance education

11:00-11:15                Prof. Dr. ZHANG, Bohui

Executive Associate Dean, School of Economics and Management: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

Topic: Data science and sustainable development education

11:15-11:30                Mr. YIN, Gefei

Chief Expert of GoldenBee ThinkTank

ISO26000 Stakeholders Global Network Co-Secretariat

Topic: The new stage of development and the urgency of responsible management education

11:30-11:45                Prof. Dr. JIA, Fu

Chair Professor, School of Management, York University

Topic: Climate savers Chinese innovation case study: implications for business school teaching?

11:45-12:00                Prof. Dr. GUO, Yi  

School of International Economics and Management, Beijing Technology and Business University

Topic: The construction of discourse system for responsible management education and the international development of business teaching

12:00-12:15               Q & A

12:15-13:15               Lunch



Afternoon Session: Featured Speech & Round Table Discussion

13:30-15:00 Session 3: Social Practice and Experience of Responsibility Management Education in Chinese Universities

Host: Prof. Dr. QIAN, Xiaojun

13:30-13:45               Prof. Dr. QIAN, Xiaojun

Deputy Dean of Schwarzman Scholars, Tsinghua University

Topic: The important role of stakeholders in promoting responsible management education

13:45-14:00               Prof. Dr. JIANG, Qingyun

Executive Director of Institute of Sustainable Innovation and Growth(iSIG),  School of Management, Fudan University

Topic: The exploration and practice of CSR research on value co-creation of the School of Management of Fudan University

14:00-14:15               Prof. Dr. TIAN Yan

Dean of Business School, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai

Topic: The practice and exploration of talent training based on PRME in Business School from Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai

14:15-14:30               Dr. ZHAO, Yanhai

Deputy Dean and Associate Professor of School of Management, Lanzhou University

Topic: Entrepreneurial social responsibility: experience from western China

14:30-14:45               Prof. Dr. LIU, Yipei

  Dean of Sichuan POLUS International College

Topic: The exploration of sustainable development education in private higher vocational colleges

14:45-15:00               Dr. LU, Hongyan

Environmental Science and Engineering Department, College of Architecture and Environment, Sichuan University

Topic: Retrospect and prospect of interdisciplinary education for

sustainable development in Sichuan University


15:00-15:15               Q & A

15:15-15:30            Tea Break


15:30-16:45 Session 4: Development and Prospect of Responsibility Management Education in Chinese Universities

Host: Prof. Dr. LU, Hualiang

15:30-15:45               Prof. Dr. LU, Hualiang

Director of International Research Center for Sustainable Development,
Changzhou University

Topic: The importance of implementing sustainable development and ecological civilization education in Chinese universities

15:45-16:00               Mr. LIU, Zhiqing

Senior Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY)

Topic: World Transformation and Outlook of the Responsible Management Education in China

16:00-16:15               Mr. Yu, Zhihong

President and Editor-in-Chief of China Sustainability Tribune

Topic: The practice of sustainable development of Chinese enterprises calls for the academic response and recognition of business schools

16:15-16:30               Dr. ZHANG, Yang

Director and Associate Professor, Institute of New Economy and Finance, Shenzhen University

Topic: The relationship between sustainable development ideas and business theory

16:30-16:45               Prof. Dr. WANG, Hongtao

Assistant Dean and Adjunct Professor of UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment
for Sustainable Development

Topic: The practices and outlook of UNEP-Tongji collaborations on education for sustainable development


16:45-17:00               Q & A



17:00-17:30 Roundtable Discussion

Topic: Group brainstorming of ideas and actions of PRME China Network

Hosts: Prof. Dr. GUO, Yi

Chair of School of International Economics and Management, Beijing Technology and Business University

Prof. Dr. LIN, Haiying

HNU-ASU Joint International Tourism College (HAITC), Hainan University

17:00-17:30 Group 1 (onsite)  Host: Prof. Dr. GUO, Yi

Dr. LI, Xu

Deputy Dean, School of Design, Southern University of Science and Technology

Prof. Dr. MENG, Fancheng

Former Deputy Dean of the School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Ms. LIU, Xiaoqin

Dean of Hainan International Responsible Management Education Research

Ms. ZHANG, Huaiwen

            Director of Development Planning Department of Chunlai Education Group

Dr. CHEN, Lili

Director of International Business Management, School of International
Economics and Management, Beijing Technology and Business University

Dr. LI, Yin

Associate Researcher of New Economy and Finance Research Institute, Shenzhen University

Prof. Dr. TANG, Ji

Standing Councilman of Ecological Development Union International

Mr. OU, Mingjian

Director of the Test & RD Center of Hainan International Responsible Management Education Research Institute

Mr. WU, Di

Program Director of Beijing Earth Friendship Environment Technology Research Institute

Mr. ZHANG, Yalong

            Standing Vice Director of Shenzhen Sustainable Development Research Institute

Dr. GE, Lin

Vice General Manager of Xinxiang High & New Tech Investment Co., Ltd.

Mr. LV, Yanhui

Vice Principal of Beijing Electricity Engineering School

Mr. WANG, Lin

Vice Principal of Beijing Electricity Engineering School

Mr. ZHAO, Yuankun

            Research Assistant of Lakestone Sustainable Development Research Institute

Dr. CHEN, Jian

Dean Assistant of Business School, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai

Mr. ZENG, Pengfei

GM Assistant of Shenzhen XinNanShan (Group) Co., Lt.

Ms. ZHOU, Yijun

Assistant Director of Longgang Sustainable Development Research Institute

Ms. LI, Yujiang

Standing Deputy Director of Ecological Development Union International


17:00-17:30 Group 2 (Online)          Host: Prof. Dr. LIN, Haiying

Prof. Dr. CHI, Yuanying

Director of Applied Economics Department, School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Technology

Dr. GUO, Peiyuan

General Manager of SynTao

Prof. Dr. LIU, Zhiyang

Deputy Dean of Business School, Shanghai University of Finance and


Prof. Dr. GU, Changchao

Secretary General of Global Leadership Program, Tsinghua University

Dr. YIN, Juelin

            School of Management, SUN YAT-SEN University

Dr. PENG, Ke

Assistant Dean and Associate Professor, School of Urban Planning and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)

Prof. Dr. WANG, Zhong

Professor, School of Business, Hunan University

Ms. CHONG, Jing               

Principal of Beijing Electricity Engineering School

Mr. XUE, Zhong

General Manager of Muzhong Business (Europe) Co., Ltd.

Dr. WU, Huanan

Associate Researcher of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School

Ms. ZHU, Ni            

Researcher of the Research Centre of China Economic Transition, Beijing University of Technology

Ms. LI, Yang

Student representative of PRME Chapter China

Ms. BAI, Xinyue

Postgraduate student of Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University, Director of the student club Green Plus Association of Peking University


17:30-17:40   Summary by the two Hosts of this session

17:40-18:30      Summary and Outlook

(Consultant representatives, invited leaders, and invited experts)

Hosts:             Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

Director of the Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Business Education

International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

                        Dr. WANG, Xinyu

Associate Professor of School of Economics and Management, North China
University of Technology

17:40-18:10 Speech from Special Invited Guests (Online)

Prof. Dr. MUNASINGHE, Mohan

Co-winner of the Nobel Prize; Visiting professor at Peking University

Vice Chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-AR4)

Prof. STAHL, Gerhard

Former Secretary General of European Committee of the Regions of the
European Union; Visiting Professor at Peking University HSBC Business School and College of Europe; Member of the Scientific Board of FEPS(The Foundation for European Progressive Studies

Prof. Dr. PURG, Danica

President of the Alliance of Management Development Associations from Raising Economies; President of International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies (CEEMAN); President of IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia


18:10-18:25 Summary and Comments

Prof. Dr. JIANG, Zhaochun

Research Center for Ecological Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. LUO, Hongbo

Former Deputy Director, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. HUANG, Haifeng

Member of the PRME Steering Committee



18:30-19:30               Dinner (certificating for all non-PRME Academic Committee Members for their participation, group photo)

Host: Prof. Dr. LU, Hualiang

Director of International Research Center for Sustainable Development, Changzhou University

Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

Director of the Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Business Education

International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Prof. Dr. GUO, Yi

Director of the Research Center for Sustainable Business Environment, School of International Economics and Management, Beijing Technology and Business University


Sunday, May 30, 2021

8:30-10:00      Bus to Suzhou

Organizer: Dr. CAO, Xuanwei

10:00-11:30  Discussion and exchange at International Business School Suzhou,
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

11:30-13:30    Lunch

14:00-             Departure


Video Messages

Prof. Dr. Mohan Munasinghe
Principal Consultant, EDUI Global
Prof. Danica Purg
President of IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia
Prof. Gerhard Stahl
Former Secretary General of the European Commission